Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2D Area-Length LV Mass Calculator

I much prefer the 'ellipse tool' to the default method of tracing borders with the trackball. Plus, it is quick, pretty, and is more consistent with the principle behind the calculation.



  • Measure at end diastole (End diastole can be defined at the onset of the QRS, but is preferably defined as the frame after mitral valve closure or the frame in the cardiac cycle in which the cardiac dimension is largest.)
  • Measure areas at the midventricular short axis view, at the level of the papillary muscle tips- generally the widest short axis diameter.
  • Measure the LV length from apex to plane of MV annulus, in A4C or A2C (largest) It is recommended that the basal border of the LV cavity area be delineated by a straight line connecting the mitral valve insertions.
  • Z-Scores are 'off label' (source article used M-Mode derived LV mass)

Recommendations for Chamber Quantification, JASE, December 2005
Recommendations for Quantification of the Left Ventricle by Two-Dimensional Echocardiography, JASE, 1989
A novel method of expressing left ventricular mass relative to body size in children.
Foster BJ, Mackie AS, Mitsnefes M, Ali H, Mamber S, Colan SD.
Circulation. 2008 May 27;117(21):2769-75.